Mentoring Makes a Difference

Mentoring Makes a Difference

Volunteer/Mentor Coordinator
July 5, 2020
Female Avatar for Mission Moments
Mentoring Makes a Difference

Some Kids are very good at expressing their concerns and Jordan has always been one of those kids. He has been a part of our Mentor Program for about a year and a half now. He is always voicing his regard for his friends and siblings – sometimes he struggles with timing but sometimes his timing is perfect. The night of our Mentor/Mentee Scavenger Hunt was one of those times. After completing a series of challenges that called for communication, patience and working together we were all gathered at our final meeting point. As we were wrapping up, Jordan asked if he could make a speech. With a very serious expression on his face he said, ‘If any of you think this night was boring or this scavenger hunt was easy, then I think you are all just crazy.’ It was great to receive such sincere feedback from this young man. I look forward to hearing future ‘speeches’ from him as he continues in the Mentoring Program.

By |2021-07-05T23:27:08-07:00July 5th, 2020|Comments Off on Mentoring Makes a Difference

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