Health & Life Skills Programs
These programs develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors to nurture their well-being, set personal goals and grow into self-sufficient adults.
SMART MOVES (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) is a 7 week prevention/education program that addresses current problems such as drug and alcohol use and premature sexual activity. The Program uses a team approach involving Club Staff, peer leaders, parents and community representatives. more than simply emphasizing a “Say No” message, the program teaches our Club Members (ages 6-15) how to say no by involving them in discussion and role-playing, practicing resistance and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills and analyzing media and peer influence. The ultimate goal: to promote abstinence from substance abuse and adolescent sexual involvement through the practice of responsible behavior. In addition to the 7 week classes that are held as part of our Programs, this class is also taught throughout District 7 schools to all sixth graders.
Rogue Valley Mentoring lets young people know that they are not alone. A caring and compassionate ear shows them that they matter, that they are the experts of their own experience. They lead group circles for boys and girls at our Clubs. Learn more about Rogue Valley Mentoring here.
Healthy Habits
This program is designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning in every part of the Club experience. Healthy Habits emphasizes good nutrition, regular physical activity and improving overall well-being.