School Year Program Information is now available – Click Here for Club-Specific Information

Our School Year programs are open at a limited capacity during the 2020-21 school year. As school district’s adjusted their schedules, each of our Club’s modified our program hours to the meet the needs of the community. As of April 19th, our Clubs are back to After-School Program hours for grades K-5 at each of our sites, while still providing a Distance Learning Support Program for Middle and High-School Teens during daytime hours at the Grants Pass Club. As always, safety remains our number one priority and we are doing everything possible to keep children, our staff, and volunteers protected from the COVID-19 virus.

Following the Oregon Health Authority’s Guidelines on Youth Programs, the Club has attendance limitations and enhanced safety measures for the school year programs. 

  • Call the Clubs’ Front Desk to register or be added to the wait list:

    • Grants Pass and Illinois Valley Membership Services – (541) 479-1923

    • Talent Membership Services – (541) 292-4851

Enhanced safety precautions for staff and Club Members are as follows:

  • Temperature and well-checks will be required upon arrival daily

  • Staff and youth participants will wear masks

  • Physical Distancing of 6 feet will be strongly encouraged of youth participants 

  • Stable groups of 10 youth assigned by grades will remain with the same staff throughout the program 

  • Enhanced and rigorous cleaning will take place throughout each day

  • Club programs include Power Hour homework help, Art, STEAM activities, Fitness, Socio-emotional wellness and more!

  • Afternoon meal and snack provided

We continue to monitor information from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Oregon Health Authority for updated information, and are advising all staff, families, and youth members to continue to take precautions as recommended by the CDC. 


The Grants Pass Boys & Girls Club served to-go USDA* meals from March – June 2021. Averaging just over 500 meals a day, the Club served youth and made deliveries to multiple housing units, emergency childcare facilities and families in need. We’re incredibly grateful to have been able to serve our community in this way. Chef Joanne and team put all their love into creating these meals every day during our Club programs.


Please visit our Events Page for updated information. Thank you for your patience as we work to reschedule and redesign these events to meet all COVID-19 regulations.


Our Program Directors have been busy compiling all sorts of enrichment activities, links to free educational sites, fun worksheets and “get-moving” ideas on our website and Facebook – from games you can play to stories being read to staying active and so much more! They’ve also created videos to “interact” with all of the Club Members we miss so dearly. Check out the videos on our YouTube Channel. 


Learn more about The CARES Act Charitable Giving provisions here. With these new tax incentives, there has never been a better time to support Boys & Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley. Make a donation here.


If you need assistance with bills, rent and food, the United Way has provided the following number to assist with COVID-19 Community Economic Relief: 1-866-211-9966

Check in with your local food banks, schools and churches for support as well. As a reminder, to-go meals are available at most local schools, as well as at the Grants Pass Boys & Girls Club.

Here are links to local resources:

Access – Jackson County

UCAN – Josephine County

Oregon Department of Human Services

211 info

Oregon Health Authority en Español

Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) are covering a full range of behavioral health screenings, assessments and services via telehealth (synchronous audio and video) and telephone (for those that don’t have access to video/web technology). Youth and families can continue to get support from Options, LaClinica/RCH School Based providers, Family Solutions, OnTrack, etc. via virtual treatment. Members can contact their preferred treatment agency by phone and set up a virtual visit. 

If a youth or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, they can call 541-474-5360 in Josephine County or 541-774-8201 in Jackson County 24 hours 7 days a week. A trained professional will talk to them and help to figure out what resources might be best.

They can also call/text/visit Lines for Life for crisis support

Hemos encontrado una página en Facebook en donde la autoridad de la salud de Oregon están incluyendo información nueva en español, todos los dia del Covid-19, y también información de recursos de salud para la comunidad hispana. Aqui esta el link para la página de Oregon Health en español:

Online and Virtual Resources for Children and Families:

Peer lines- If you need support, there are lots of virtual resources out there to help you connect to others that have struggled with mental health or substances use as well. Here are some great resources:

Medford Drop (local resource for ages 17-24):

Youth line (Oregon Resource):

David Romprey Warmline (Oregon Resource):

Oregon Recovery Network (Oregon Resource):

Lines for Life (Oregon Resource):

Oregon Family Support Network (Oregon Resource):

Reach Out Oregon Parent Line (Oregon Resource):

Other resources:

Local Recovery Community resources:

Narcotics Anonymous

Rogue Valley –

Josephine County –

Alcoholics Anonymous

Rogue Valley –

Josephine County –